More Stripping…
January 23, 2014Well, after some odd 200 hours of labor, I can say the nightmare is over and the stripping is finished. After trying several brands and countless of hours I think I can say the best of all is the aforementioned D-Zolve.
As I posted above, I had thought the D-Zolve was junk, but on the home stretch we used it on some (what I thought) impossible to strip paint. After wrapping it in plastic and leaving it for three days, the paint just sloughed off.
Here’s the rub… The stuff is the stinkiest of any chemical I have ever used. Not only does it smell, but it lingers and lingers and lingers. Even just having the bucket open to the air causes your friends and family to run for the hills. If you have a heated hanger, with a floor drain, go for it. If you share a hanger or have other units attached to yours… Forget it! Of course if you can spray the stuff outside and then try to wrap it somehow, this might work really well. The key is TIME. You must let it sit for 24-48 hrs to really work. But I warn you… Stink stink stink.
For me, my stripping days are OVER. I don’t like to say never… but I’m pretty sure I will never strip another airplane. I’m super glad I did it, but once is enough for me~