December 13, 2014
Of course nothing can be easy these days…
A couple of weeks ago I went to try to order the paint I had previously shot the wagon with. Lo and behold U-Tech no longer makes their 3.8 polyurethane (of course.)
This normally isn’t that big of a deal, but since I was using a custom additive formula and not a standard color, the paint shop could not cross-reference the old formula with the new replacement U350. For a while, it was looking like I was SOL.
Long story short, the engineers at AkzoNobel bent over backwards for me and have now created my very own “official” AkzoNobel “Skywagon Red.” Pretty cool…
Today I’m shooting the spinner and backing plate with the replacement U350. Seems to paint just as nice, so Im pretty pleased thus far.

Traveling this week, but hopefully next weekend I will get to test the performance of the MT.
Flap Tracks & U Channel…
April 27, 2014
Since the flaps and ailerons are already painted red, I shot a coat of UTech on the flap rollers and cove edges. I just need to spend some time polishing the cove and then the flaps can go back on!

I also got all the rubber U-channel installed and the tail cone buttoned up. (from Brown Aircraft if anyone needs to source it) Almost finished!

April 20, 2014
Pulled out the old Vestal White Imron today and added the missing cowl stripe today. It was totally bugging me… Another line item crossed off the punch list.
Tomorrow the plan is to finish up the painting with the red on the spinner backplate.

More Paint…
March 14, 2014
Got back into the paint booth and finished up the last bits of painting (ailerons and flaps.) It’s a bit more of a pain in the ass shooting base/clear, but it sure does look nice. Hung the elevators, ailerons, and RMD tips today. I scanned the artwork from my orig parts book and cut the “CESSNA” logo out of flat black vinyl for the outboard tips.
Im sold on Aeroled, and installed them all around. LED landing and taxi in the stock location, and two landing in the tips. They are nice cuz they have the wig-wag feature built in so no need for additional boxes like MaxPulse. For strobes, I installed NSPs on the tips with a Sunbeacon on the tip of the V-stab along with the belly. They are all sunc and discharge together. I’m going to look like a G-damn UFO. F-ing bright….
Next step – VG’s for the leading edge on the Sportsman.

Painting the Gear…
December 17, 2013
Hung the Wagon on the hoist and pulled the gear. Used a 2 part epoxy prime, then a couple of coats of Imron. Since Imron is an industrial paint, there really aren’t any metallic choices. Luckily, they make a metallic silver which happens to be a great match for polished alum. Imron is already hard to shoot cuz it is so thick, but the silver complicates it a bit further as the metallic flakes can run/sag if your not careful.
When they went back in, of course that was the time to add the PPonk kit. (those photos later) All and all Im really happy with how it looks. Much better to have that ratty old “Moon Dust” yellow gone. Just have to get the last bits off the wings!
First a light coat of grey epoxy primer…

Finish coat of metallic silver Imron

Need a Stripe…
December 13, 2013
After lots of sitting and staring at the vert stab, I came to the conclusion that it was missing something. The harsh transition from polish to paint was a bit jarring, so back to paint for a 3/4″ stripe of Vestal White. This will be good as I always intended on some outboard stripes on the WingX.

The wings will eventually be solid red to match the horizontal w/ Vestal White stripes on the outboard ends.

Finished Paint…
November 30, 2013
Hot damn paintings done! Shot again with UTech epoxy prime and then 3.8 base/clear. It will cook at 150 degrees for a couple more hours and then its on to assembly in the AM.

Holiday Weekend Painting…
November 29, 2013
Taking advantage of the holiday weekend and am able to get a bunch of stuff into the paint booth. (Aside from the wings) this should be the final painting. Shooting it tonight. Fingers crossed-

Turned Another Corner…
November 12, 2013
Turned a big corner this weekend and started the painting the accent color…
I started with the stinger and tail section under the horiz stab. This area I shot with U-Tech epoxy prime and then a single stage silver Imron to match the polished alum. I know no one will see it on the ramp, but it makes me feel good that everything is pretty.

After that, it was the boot cowls turn. Same grey U-Tech epoxy prime for starters, but then I went with a base clear. A ton more work, but looks so much nicer!

Even though I will be replacing the tips with the RMD’s when I do the Sportsman and WingX, I went ahead and shot the existing tips so they matched.

Plan is to paint the horiz stab and the top of the vertical red. The gear will be shot the silver Imron when I pull them later this winter. Wings will get stripped and painted red when I pull them in the early spring.
She’s coming along!
Doors Done…
June 6, 2013
Finally finished all the painting (interior anyway.) Feels good to be over that hump. Time to start installing the closed cell foam.
Rounding the Corner…
April 17, 2013
Officially rounded the bend and are now on the upswing…. Long two days, but the interior painting is FINISHED!

Purchasing Paint, Ready to Shoot…
April 6, 2013

Picked up the paint for the interior… Going with Imron 3.5HG… the stuff is the bomb and is really tough. Its an industrial paint and can take the abuse.