Winds of Texas…

Check out Zane from’s film on the first annual Texas STOL Roundup.

[vimeo 97574573 w=700]

High Sierra, A Short Film

Cudos to Zane from for another great film!

[vimeo 107448259 w=700]

“The Approach” Vid…

Backcountry Aviation’s STOL Tips by Patrick Romano is an article and media series about backcountry flying technique and strategy– in particular the unique skills utilized for operating from very short airstrips and landing zones, and the dynamic environment of the backcountry.


Backcountry Aviation’s: STOL Tips (The Takeoff)

Backcountry Aviation’s STOL Tips by Patrick Romano is an article and media series about backcountry flying technique and strategy– in particular the unique skills utilized for operating from very short airstrips and landing zones, and the dynamic environment of the backcountry.